Turning Students into Avid Readers : A Sneak-Peak Into The School Library
The job of a school is not just to follow the academic curriculum, and teach the students all that is included in the syllabus. Schools are entrusted by the parents, to guide their children in their transformational journey, to help them identify their interests, and broaden their worldview and to build a formidable personality. At Gurukul, we acknowledge this trust bestowed upon us by the parents. That’s why we keep working relentlessly to provide the best possible to our students.
As part of all the good that we attempt to do for our students, is our special focus on developing reading habit in our students. As the best Mohali School,we believe that reading opens a window to a new and unexplored world, to new thoughts and ideas, to conflicting point of views and ideologies. Reading helps students learn way more than what regular classrooms and curriculum are able to teach.
Keeping all this in focus, Gurukul World School has worked to help students develop interest in reading. We have set up a very well-stocked library in the campus. The school library has a large number of books, periodicals, newspapers and magazines for the students to choose from. Also, the ambience of the library ensures to provide a pleasurable reading experience. Students can visit the library, sit and read a book, or get it issued and take it home for a particular period of time. Students have various options to choose from, depending upon their tastes and interests — fiction, non-fiction, biographical accounts, philosophy, science, technology, self-help guides and much more.
Besides the school library, a class library is established in each class for each academic session. Though there are many other schools in Mohali, we as a best Mohali CBSE School request parents to deposit at least one age appropriate book with the class teacher of their wards. Reading habit is inculcated and reading skills enhanced through the use of books from the class library. The books are returned to the children at the end of the academic session.
Students from classes III to X also subscribe for a newspaper which they are encouraged to read every morning. Various activities and assignments are also designed based on the articles in the newspaper.
Students are regularly encouraged by teachers to read. We believe, our students will surely stand apart from others, as a result of this habit of reading that will give them an edge over others! We seek the support of parents as well, in this endeavor.