Tips For Preparation Of Final Exams
With the final exams just a month away, it’s the final lap for the students. With roughly a month to go, rather than panicking, it’s time to formulate a strategy to appear for the exams. The staff at Gurukul World School, best school in Mohali shares a few points on which the students should be pondering over.
Time Management
Make sure you divide the time left now equally for all the subjects. Make a list as you go on revising. This will help you revise systematically.
Also, at this stage, it’s prudent for you not to waste time on topics that are out of your comfort zone, or something you feel you need more time on. Revise the topics you know well.
Make a Ready Reckoner
As you go on revising, make a ready reckoner, or a list of short notes that will help you to recall. This is especially beneficial for subjects like maths. Write down important formulae and theorems.
Keep going through this ready reckoner in your school bus etc.
Focus on topics that are most likely to come in the test
To achieve this go through previous years’ question papers or refer from a book in the library.
Stay Calm!
Stay calm. Don’t panic at all. You will end up forgetting you already knew if you panic. Make sure you do something that relaxed you. Listening to music for some time, talking to a friend etc.
Take Care of Your Health
Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Also, get at least 7 hours of sleep everyday.
Spend Time Around the Right People
Make sure you spend time with friends who are studying as hard as you are. Discussing topics what you studied the day before, not only helps in revision, but also makes you understand the topic more.
Focus on the Work
Think about what you have to do right now, that is study, don’t waste time worrying about the result. Worrying will only result in unnecessary anxiety.
Gurukul World School, best Mohali CBSE school wishes its students best of luck for the exams.